
C8 - Verhaltenstheoretische Implikationen für Märkte und Organisationen

Matthias Wibral

Identity Changes and the Efficiency of Reputation Systems

forthcoming in Experimental Economics

Armin Falk

Neural patterns underlying social comparisons of personal performance


Armin Falk (with K. Kuss, P. Trautner, Chr.E. Elger, B. Weber, K. Fliessbach)

A reward prediction error for charitable donations reveals outcome orientation of donators

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 8 (2): 216-223

Armin Falk (with Stephan Meier, Christian Zehnder)

Do Lab Experiments Misrepresent Social Preferences? The Case of Self-Selected Sutdent Samples

Journal of the European Economic Association 11(4): 839-852

Armin Falk (with T. Dohmen, D. Huffman, J. Schupp, U. Sunde, T. Vischer and G. G. Wagner)

Validating an Ultra-Short Survey Measure of Patience

Economics Letters, 120 (2)

Armin Falk (with Christian Zehnder)

A City-Wide Experiment on Trust Discrimination

Journal of Public Economics, 100: 15-27

Armin Falk (with J. H. Lallement, K. Kuss, P. Trautner, B. Weber, K. Fliessbach)

Effort increases sensitivity to reward and loss magnitude in the human brain

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Armin Falk (with Urs Fischbacher, Simon Gächter)

Living in Two Neighborhoods - Social Interaction Effects in the Laboratory

Economic Inquiry 51 (1): 563-578

Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch (with Nadine Riedel)

Asymmetric Obligations

Journal of Economic Psychology.

Armin Falk (with Michael Kosfeld)

It's all about Connections: Evidence on Network Formation

Review of Network Economics 11(3): Article 2

Armin Falk (with K. Fliessbach, C.B. Philipps, P. Trautner, M. Schnabel, C. E. Elger, B. Weber)

Neural responses to advantageous and disadvantageous inequity

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6 (165)

Armin Falk (with A. Becker, Th. Deckers, Th. Dohmen, F. Kosse)

The Relationship Between Economic Preferences and Psychological Personality Measures

Annual Review of Economics 4

Armin Falk (with Thomas Dohmen, David Huffman, Uwe Sunde)

The Intergenerational Transmission of Risk and Trust Attitudes

Review of Economic Studies 79 (2) 645-677

Armin Falk (with Steffen Altmann, Matthias Wibral)

Promotions and Incentives: The Case of Multi-Stage Elimination Tournaments

Journal of Labor Economics 30(1): 149-174

Armin Falk with Nora Szech

Morals and Markets

Science, 2013, 340, 707-711

Matthias Wibral, Armin Falk with Georgia Ortner, Anke Becker, Thomas Dohmen, Dietrich Klingmüller und Bernd Weber

No evidence for an effect of testosterone administration on delay discounting in male university students


Wibral, M., Dohmen, T., Klingmüller, D., Weber, B., Falk, A

Testosterone Administration Reduces Lying in Men

PLoS ONE 7(10): e46774. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046774

Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch

Does parental employment affect children's educational attainment?

Economics of Education Review 30 (2011), pp. 1456-1467

Armin Falk, David Huffman and Bentley MacLeod

Institutions and Contract Enforcement

IZA DP 3435, 2008

Martin Dufwenberg, Paul Heidhues, Georg Kirchsteiger, Frank Riedel and Joel Sobel

Other-regarding Preferences in General Equilibrium

The Review of Economic Studies, accepted for publication

Martin Brown, Armin Falk and Ernst Fehr

Competition and Relational Contracts: The Role of Unemployment as a Disciplinary Device

Journal of the European Economic Association 10(4): 887-907

Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch (with Christina Strassmair)

An experimental test of the deterrence hypothesis

Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 28 (2012), pp. 447-459

Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch

Is the veil of ignorance only a concept about risk? An experiment

Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 94(11-12), December 2010, pp. 1062-1066

Paul Heidhues (joint with Botond Koszegi (NA))

Exploiting Naivete about Self-Control in the Credit Market

American Economic Review, Vol. 100(5), October 2010, pp. 2279–2303

Armin Falk and Thomas Dohmen

Performance Pay and Multi-dimensional Sorting: Productivity, Preferences and Gender

American Economic Review, Vol. 101(2), April 2011, pp. 556-590

Armin Falk (joint with Johannes Abeler (NA), Lorenz Götte (NA), David Huffman (NA))

Reference Points and Effort Provision

American Economic Review, Vol. 101(2), April 2011, pp. 470-492

Armin Falk (joint with J. J. Heckman)

Lab Experiments Are a Major Source of Knowledge in the Social Sciences

Science, Vol. 326(5952), October 2009, pp. 535-538

Hannah Hörisch (joint with Oliver Kirchkamp (NA))

Less fighting than expected - Experiments with wars of attrition and all-pay auctions

Public Choice, Vol. 144(1-2), July 2010, pp. 347-367

Sebastian Kranz

Moral Norms in a Partly Compliant Society

Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 68(1), January 2010, pp. 255-274

Armin Falk (joint with Thomas Dohmen (NA), David Huffman (NA), Uwe Sunde (NA))

Are Risk Aversion and Impatience Related to Cognitive Ability?

American Economic Review, Vol. 100(3), June 2010, pp. 1238-1260

Armin Falk (joint with Bernd Weber (NA), Antonio Rangel (NA), Matthias Wibral (NA))

The medial prefrontal cortex exhibits money illusion

PNAS, Vol. 106(13), 2008, pp. 5025-5028

Armin Falk (joint with David Jaeger (NA), Thomas Dohmen (NA), David Huffman (NA), Uwe Sunde (A1))

Direct Evidence on Risk Attitudes and Migration

Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 92(3) August 2010, pp. 684-689

Armin Falk (joint with Thomas Dohmen (NA), David Huffman (NA), Uwe Sunde (NA))

Representative Trust and Reciprocity: Prevalence and Determinants

Economic Inquiry, Vol. 46(1), January 2008, pp. 84–90

Armin Falk (joint with Ernst Fehr, Urs Fischbach)

Testing Theories of Fairness - Intentions Matter

Games and Economic Behaviour, Vol. 62(1), January 2008, pp. 287-303

Armin Falk, Thomas Dohmen, David Huffman, Uwe Sunde

Homo Reciprocans: Survey Evidence on Behavioral Outcomes

Economic Journal, Vol. 119(536), March 2009, pp. 592-612

Paul Heidhues, Botond Köszegi

Futile Attempts at Self-Sontrol

Journal of the European Economic Association (Papers and Proceedings),

Vol. 7(2-3), pp. 423–434, April-May 2009

Paul Heidhues, Botond Köszegi

Competition and Price Variation when Consumers are Loss Averse

American Economic Review, Vol. 98(4), September 2008, pp. 1245–1268

Prof. Dr. Armin Falk

Universität Bonn
Institut für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung
Adenauerallee 24-42, 53113 Bonn
Tel.: (0228) 73 9284
Fax: (0228)73 1785